Julie Franzak
ELED 305-42
Science Area: Earth Science
Science Misconception #4
Science Misconception:
Age is determined in ladybugs by the number of spots on their wings.
The number, color, and shape of spots on ladybugs are usually specific and individualistic or a “species-specific”
trait that remains constant throughout their life.
Based on childhood stories about ladybugs and parents telling their children that ladybugs grow a new spot each year
that they are alive, children believe that the spots on ladybugs’ wings tell how old they are.
Suggested Activity:
Show your students various pictures of ladybugs that all have a different number of spots. Have then do an internet search
for ladybugs and the different types of spots and species that exist. They should copy and paste photos and descriptions of
the ladybugs that they find throughout their internet search and display them to their peers.
“Insect Misconceptions and Misinformation”. http://www.umass.edu/ent/BugNetMAP/r_misconcept.html.
Obtained on June 8, 2007.