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Julie Franzak

ELED 305-42


Science Area: Chemistry

Concept: Surface Tension


Battle of 2 Liquids For Supremacy

WOW #2


Overhead projector

Glass baking dish


Food coloring


Rubbing alcohol



1. Place glass baking dish on the overhead projector.

2. Pour a thin layer of water into the dish (just enough to cover the bottom).

3. Color that water by adding a few drops of the food coloring.

4. Drop ½ teaspoon of rubbing alcohol into the center of the colored water.

5. Observe the two substances struggling.


1. Which of the two substances has the stronger surface tension?

2. Why didn’t the water attach to the alcohol?

3. What was created at the end of the struggle?


Water molecules are more attracted to each other than they are to air and alcohol because water has a higher surface tension than do alcohol and air. When the water and alcohol molecules pull together it is through a force called surface tension. Some substances, like alcohol, have a lower surface tension in comparison to water. When the rubbing alcohol is dropped in the middle of the water it creates a struggle. Because the water molecules are more attracted to each other and have a stronger surface tension, the water retreats from the alcohol and the alcohol follows the water because it has a lower surface tension; in doing this, the alcohol leaves a clear dry spot in the center of the glass dish. Eventually the two liquids combine and create a solution; this is caused by the alcohol spreading throughout the water. The new alcohol-water solution then covers the dry spot and create an unbroken surface.


Cobb, Vicki. “Watch A Battle As Two Liquids Struggle For Supremacy”. http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/showbiz_science/showbiz_science023.s html. obtained on June 1, 2007.

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